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1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die #1001

Thursday July 15th, 2010 at 10:57 PM

My brother gave me the 1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die book, which is a work written by more than 90 world music specialists. The book brings a blend of rhythms and is cultural history lesson with facts about the album and artist.

I highly recommend purchasing the book for it’s curiosities that makes you listen the album with a new focus, learning more about the artist. But read is not the best: you should also listen.

Curious? So we will publish here on the site, gradually, each album so you can listen to it with us (via Grooveshark). On Twitter, the albums will be available with the #1001 hashtag. We hope you enjoy!

You can also check the entire list and another book from the 1001 series here.


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