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Upgrade XP Windows Explorer

Friday May 29th, 2009 at 10:10 PM

Since Microsoft released Windows 95, file navigation in Windows Explorer didn’t change that much, at least until Windows Vista and Windows 7. But if your already tried Windows Vista and still want to keep Windows XP, use this plug-ins to upgrade, add tabs, “breadcrumb trail” navigation to Windows XP.

The installation is simple, but all requires .Net Framework 2.0 (or higher) installed.

New address bar

If you like Windows Vista/Windows 7 address bar, download and install this plug-in and you’ll have the same bar. After install, you can may need to restart your computer.


To activate, you just need to click with the right button in any Windows Explorer bar and choose the QTAdressBar option. It works the same way and is pretty stable.

More informationDownload (free)

Advanced navigation and tabbed

If you think Windows Explorer can be more productive and help file manipulation tasks you should try QTTabbar. It adds new tabs and let you choose new ones in Windows Explorer. The plugin shows also file information and image preview whe you stop the mouse over.


There are dozen options and plugins available to increase even Windows Explorer funtions.

More informationDownload (Freeware)

Other alternatives

Windows Explorer may not be the ideal file navigation software for everyone, that’s why we have alternatives for it, paid and free. The best we found (free) is UltraExplorer that allows tab navigation, it’s pretty fast, allows save folders as bookmarks and a lot of windows organization options.

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