Jornal Jurídico (Law Jornal) is a brazilian website containing news about laws and legal news with over one year old. They asked to help make the news availability more dynamic. The proposed layout was almost ready, just needed a few adjustments, but worst issue was the news management interface.
The site was already using WordPress, but it didn’t offer all the updating dynamism and speed that the site requires. Some people stil think that Wordpress is only a blog management, but here’s the news: Wordpress is an excellent content management system (CMS), very flexible and perfect for sites such as Jornal Jurídico, so we decided to keep Wordpress there but not the same way.
The layout was adapted to a specially created theme, developed from scratch to reach the level that the site required. But the secret was in featured news definition: we created an interface using only Wordpress functions that lets you select from a list one of the written news and drag it to the desired location, right on the homepage.
This functionality is usually seen in editing software for print media and could be performed on this 100% web-based project in a simple manner so the site chief editor can determine which news has a greater emphasis and exactly where it should stay on the site. Generally, web systems that have this purpose have only fixed location for content and the diagramming work is done using imagination and no visual resource.
This project proves that making the user interface easier makes the editing faster, especially when the focus is to give fresh news. It has also proved how powerful is Wordpress with PHP and shows why PHP is the most popular internet language and why the Wordpress platform is successful.
The website is entirely in portuguese, but you can visit it here: